完売!ラスト!【新品未開封】We Areボックスセット PondPhuwin WinnySatang GMMTVDVD BOXSET WE ARE SOLD OUT い【内容物】1 BOXSET 9 DVDs1 Photobook6 Poster-designed Photocards: 5 of them featuring autographs from Pond-Phuwin, Winny-Satang, Aou-Boom, and Marc-Poon16 Postcards 1 Illustration Postcard 4 Special Photocard.One set of two designs is chosen at random.40-sheet Sticky Note, 2 Designs 新品未開封プレオーダーにて、購入致しました公式サイトでは、発売初日に完売した人気商品です!手持ち分はこちらで終了ですコメント不要にで、ご購入頂いて構いませんPondPhuwinAPOLLO GeminiFourth MY LOVE MIX-UPTayNewCherry Magic 30EarthMixPerthChimon DangerousRomancePondPhwinFish Upon the SkyNever Let Me GoWe AreLOVE OUT LOUD LOLFirstKhaotung My School President Moonlight ChickenOnly FriendsLast TwilightbrightwinOhmNanonJoongDunkForceBookJimmySea2getherOURSKYY2WinnySatangSeaKeenGreatInnBounPremGMMTVタイドラマ