Richard Smoley リチャード・スモーリー ハーバード大学とオックスフォード大学で教育を受け、受賞歴のある西洋の精神的伝統に関する学術誌『グノーシス』の編集者を務めた。ジェイ・キニーとの共著に『Hidden Wisdom』がある: A Guide to the Western Inner Traditions』の共著者であり、『Inner Christianity: A Guide to the Esoteric Tradition』、『The Essential Nostradamus』の著者。
Jay Kinny ジェイ・キニーは『Hidden Wisdom』の共著者: A Guide to the Western Inner Traditions』の共著者。15年にわたり、秘教的伝統とスピリチュアルな道を扱う一流誌『グノーシス』の発行人兼編集長を務めた。また、キニーはカリフォルニアのミル・バレー・ロッジ356号とミッション・ロッジ169号F&AMの会員であり、ヨーク律会の会員、スコティッシュ・ライトの32KCCHでもある。カリフォルニア・メーソン・シンポジウムで2度講演し、優秀なメーソン研究に贈られるアルバート・G・マッキー賞を受賞。サンフランシスコ・スコティッシュ・ライトの司書兼リサーチ・ディレクターとして、フリーメーソンリー内に幅広い人脈を持ち、このテーマに関する多くの一般的な著述家が避けてきた多くの資料やメーソンの記録にアクセスできる。
Esoteric Doesn't Have To Mean Obscure!
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Gnosis #47 (Spring '98) Prayer & Meditation
Includes Larry Dossey and E.J. Gold interviews, solar worship, Sardello on the soul in prayer.
"If prayer assumes a dialogue or interaction with the Other, and meditation enables us to discover that the Other is, at root, our deepest self, the final fruit of such efforts is the realization that all beings are passengers on the same ark."
-- Jay Kinney, from the introduction
by Jay Kinney
Up Front
News & Notes
The Kabbalah goes mainstream; roadside shrines of the Southwest.
Introduction: Pray Tell
by Jay Kinney
Do you need to be able to sit still to meditate or pray?
The Essence of Prayer
by Theodore J. Nottingham
True prayer may have more to do with changing your inner nature than with getting what you ask for.
Way of the Sacred Pipe
by Jay Cleve
In the American Indian tradition, the sacred pipe is both a portable altar and the embodiment of a teaching.
Toxic Prayer: An Interview with Larry Dossey
by Richard Smoley
The bestselling author discusses the unsettling possibility that prayer has power to hurt as well as heal.
The Sufi and the Zen Master
by John W. Groff Jr.
How two masters from different traditions helped bring about one man's awakening.
The Soul in Prayer
by Robert Sardello
On engaging with the inner life of your consciousness in prayer.
Mysteries of the Sun
by Siobhan Houston
The Bulgarian magus Omraam Mikhael Aivanhov taught a "yoga of the sun" as a means of spiritual growth.
All That Glitters: An Interview with E.J. Gold & Co.
by Richard Smoley
The idiosyncratic teacher and his team talk about death, angels, Gurdjieff, and dressing up in chicken suits.
Book Reviews
The Complete Golden Dawn Cipher Manuscript edited by Darcy Kuntz
The Golden Dawn Sourcebook edited by Darcy Kuntz
The Golden Dawn Scrapbook: The Rise and Fall of a Magical Order by R.A. Gilbert
Confessions: The Making of a Post-denominational Priest by Matthew Fox
The UFO Encyclopedia, Vol. 1-3 by Jerome Clark
The International Encyclopedia of Secret Societies and Fraternal Orders by Alan Axelrod
W.B. Yeats: A Life. I: The Apprentice Mage by R.F. Foster
Communicating with Animals: The Spiritual Connection between People and Animals by Arthur Myers
Opening the Lotus: A Woman's Guide to Buddhism by Sandy Boucher
The Division of Consciousness: The Secret Afterlife of the Human Psyche by Peter Novak
The Pagan Book of Living and Dying: Practical Rituals, Prayers, Blessings, and Meditation on Crossing Over by Starhawk, M. Macha NightMare, and the Reclaiming Collective.
Living Energies: Viktor Schauberger's Brilliant Work with Natural Energy Explained by Callum Coats
Zen at War by Brian Victoria
The Other Side of Silence: Meditation for the 21st Century by Morton Kelsey