≪ 新品 ≫シャネル マトラッセ 二つ折り 財布 黒 ソーブラック AP3817 B15615 94305 シルバー金具 ココマーク CCマーク ミニ 箱 リボン ラッピング ≪BrandNew≫Chanel Matelasse Bifold Wallet Black So Black Silver Hardware Coco Mini
CHANEL / シャネル
Mini Walette
二つ折りミニ財布 AP3817 B15615 94305/Bifold mini wallet
約W10×H9×D2.5cm / ポケット2 小銭入れ1 カード入れ3 札入れ1 / Approximately W10 x H9 x D2.5cm / 2 pockets, 1 coin purse, 3 card compartments, 1 bill compartment
ブラック 黒 (Black) / シルバー金具 (Silver hw)
カーフスキン/ calfskin
内袋・箱・リボン・ショッパー/Inner bag, box, ribbon, shopper
※CHANELの刻印につきまして、シャネルはフランスだけでなく、イタリア、スペインにも工場があり、生産地の違いによりMADE IN FRANCE、MADE IN ITALY、MADE IN SPAINがございます。いずれかの生産国の商品になります。予めご了承くださいませ。 ※CHANELラッピングにつきまして、買い付け地によりラッピング・リボンの仕様が異なる場合がございます。画像は最も一般的なラッピングでございます。ご了承くださいませ。 ※全て直営店で直接買い付けしています。 ※こちらの商品は店頭販売もしております。売れ切れ次第終了させていただきますので、ご了承くださいませ。* Regarding the CHANEL stamp, Chanel has factories not only in France, but also in Italy and Spain, and there are MADE IN FRANCE, MADE IN ITALY, and MADE IN SPAIN depending on the location of production. This is a product from one of the countries of origin. Thank you for your understanding. * Regarding CHANEL wrapping, the specifications of the wrapping and ribbon may differ depending on the place of purchase. The image shown is the most common wrapping. Thank you for your understanding. *All items are purchased directly from directly managed stores. *This product is also sold in stores. Please note that the sale will end as soon as it is sold out.
新品。箱・リボンでのラッピング。お札を折らずに収容でき、コンパクトでありながら、十分な利便性を備えた財布です。マットなソーブラックのレザーにのCCマークもブラックでクールでカッコイイ仕上がりのデザイン。 Brand new. Wrapping with box and ribbon. It is a compact wallet that can accommodate bills without folding them, yet is extremely convenient. The CC mark on the matte so black leather is also black, giving it a cool design.
※こちらの商品は店頭販売もしております。売れ切れ次第終了させていただきますので、ご了承くださいませ。* Regarding the CHANEL stamp, Chanel has factories not only in France, but also in Italy and Spain, and there are MADE IN FRANCE, MADE IN ITALY, and MADE IN SPAIN depending on the location of production. This is a product from one of the countries of origin. Thank you for your understanding.
* Regarding CHANEL wrapping, the specifications of the wrapping and ribbon may differ depending on the place of purchase. The image shown is the most common wrapping. Thank you for your understanding.
*All items are purchased directly from directly managed stores.
*This product is also sold in stores. Please note that the sale will end as soon as it is sold out.
Brand new. Wrapping with box and ribbon. It is a compact wallet that can accommodate bills without folding them, yet is extremely convenient. The CC mark on the matte so black leather is also black, giving it a cool design.